Monday, February 25, 2008

Free Blog entry

One can observe many different points of views in the media. What some of us might have regarded as hard fact concerning global warming changes from day to day. One eventually reaches a point where we are unaffected by this new information, a point where it doesn’t matter what new discoveries have been made we just don’t care. This causes much chaos in educational institutions where a curriculum concerning global warming can change from one year to the next.. With such a wide range of information people can interpret their own views on climate change. It get s to a point where one chooses the information he\she likes best about the topic because he is exposed to so many varying views. One person might have heard that the whole world will die in 100 years and believes it because it is what he chooses to believe. This creates a population with many different points of view about this topic which makes it hard to come to a definite conclusion since scientists are working more on their own ideas, than on the ideas which are in the interests of the people.
Data about global warming is changing all the time and as a result people don’t know what is fact and what is fiction.
For example Germanwatch, an institution whose intention it is to convince students of global warming and warn them for the affects of global warming, still says that the sea level will rise about 1 meter and 40 centimetres in 70 years although IPCC has already confirmed new data which says that the sea level will only rise 30 centimetres.

Room for interpretation allows people to distort facts and decide upon their own views regarding global warming.

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